- Test separately running independent VIs
- Simply add and remove VIs
- Load and release VIs on demand
- Reduce response time by loading VIs just-in-time
- Transfer data between VIs without wiring
- Link independent VIs through references

Dynamic VI Handler
A tool for VI handling, data transfer, saving and recalling of VIs.
VI Handling
Abort-Close, Abort, Close, Hide, Run Hidden, Run Standard, Show, Stop Smoothly, Stop-Close Smoothly.
Data Transfer between VIs
Get_Controls, Set_Controls.
Saving and Recalling VIs
Save, Save_Settings, Recall_Settings.
1. Simple Example – Show main features of Dynamic VI Handler.
2. VI Handler Demo - Control the front panel of a target VI by selecting a handler action.
3. Coupled Controls - Share control between several VIs.
4. Set Arbitrary Control - Set arbitrary control of a target VI.
5. Get Arbitrary Control - Get arbitrary control data from a target VI.
6. Dynamic System - Handle VIs dynamically and transfer data between them.