Scadao 发表于 2020-1-3 16:47:56



Ray ⭐9,916
A fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. Ray is packaged with RLlib, a scalable reinforcement learning library, and Tune, a scalable hyperparameter tuning library.

Tpot ⭐6,606
A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.

Autokeras ⭐6,421
Accessible AutoML for deep learning.

Nni ⭐4,652
An open source AutoML toolkit for neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.

Featuretools ⭐4,452
An open source python library for automated feature engineering

Auto Sklearn ⭐4,152
Automated Machine Learning with scikit-learn

Adanet ⭐2,961
Fast and flexible AutoML with learning guarantees.

Darts ⭐2,577
Differentiable architecture search for convolutional and recurrent networks

Pocketflow ⭐2,381
An Automatic Model Compression (AutoMC) framework for developing smaller and faster AI applications.

Awesome Automl Papers ⭐2,177
A curated list of automated machine learning papers, articles, tutorials, slides and projects

Mindsdb ⭐2,084
Machine Learning in one line of code

Transmogrifai ⭐1,757
TransmogrifAI (pronounced trăns-mŏgˈrə-fī) is an AutoML library for building modular, reusable, strongly typed machine learning workflows on Apache Spark with minimal hand-tuning

Automl Gs ⭐1,580
Provide an input CSV and a target field to predict, generate a model + code to run it.

Auto_ml ⭐1,383
Automated machine learning for analytics & production

Advisor ⭐1,111
Open-source implementation of Google Vizier for hyper parameters tuning

Mlbox ⭐979
MLBox is a powerful Automated Machine Learning python library.

Proxylessnas ⭐919
ProxylessNAS: Direct Neural Architecture Search on Target Task and Hardware.

Awesome Nas ⭐898
A curated list of neural architecture search (NAS) resources.

Devol ⭐883
Genetic neural architecture search with Keras

Morph Net ⭐858
Fast & Simple Resource-Constrained Learning of Deep Network Structure

Awesome System For Machine Learning ⭐734
A curated list of research in machine learning system. I also summarize some papers if I think they are really interesting.

Fast Autoaugment ⭐691
Official Implementation of 'Fast AutoAugment' in PyTorch.

Nas Projects ⭐595
NAS-Bench-102 and 11 neural architecture search algorithms implemented in PyTorch.

Hungabunga ⭐534
HungaBunga: Brute-Force all sklearn models with all parameters using .fit .predict!

Kaggler ⭐523
Code for Kaggle Data Science Competitions

Awesome Automl And Lightweight Models ⭐510
A list of high-quality (newest) AutoML works and lightweight models including 1.) Neural Architecture Search, 2.) Lightweight Structures, 3.) Model Compression, Quantization and Acceleration, 4.) Hyperparameter Optimization, 5.) Automated Feature Engineering.

Deepcamera ⭐496
Protect your privacy, open source AI-powered video surveillance on Android, featuring face recognition, human shape recognition(ReID), etc. The world's first AutoML Deep Learning edge AI platform. No programming exp needed to train a new model for your privacy.

Eps ⭐486
Machine learning for Ruby

Atm ⭐461
Auto Tune Models - A multi-tenant, multi-data system for automated machine learning (model selection and tuning).

Smac3 ⭐454
Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration

Machinejs ⭐413
Automated machine learning- just give it a data file! Check out the production-ready version of this project at ClimbsRocks/auto_ml

Tensorflow 101 ⭐374
TensorFlow 101: Introduction to Deep Learning for Python

Pba ⭐354
Efficient Learning of Augmentation Policy Schedules

Hpbandster ⭐317
a distributed Hyperband implementation on Steroids

Pnasnet.pytorch ⭐294
PyTorch implementation of PNASNet-5 on ImageNet

Nascell Automl ⭐217

Autogluon ⭐206
AutoGluon: AutoML Toolkit for Deep Learning

Mljar Supervised ⭐197
The Automated Machine Learning - the new standard in ML. Machine Learning for Humans.

Amc ⭐184
AMC: AutoML for Model Compression and Acceleration on Mobile Devices.

Mlcomp ⭐158
Distributed DAG (Directed acyclic graph) framework for machine learning with UI

Haq ⭐144
HAQ: Hardware-Aware Automated Quantization with Mixed Precision.

Amc Compressed Models ⭐136
Compressed models from AMC: AutoML for Model Compression and Acceleration on Mobile Devices.

Automlbenchmark ⭐131

Milano ⭐123
Milano is a tool for automating hyper-parameters search for your models on a backend of your choice.

Auptimizer ⭐122
An automatic ML model optimization tool.

Machinelp Codefun ⭐119
MachineLP CodeFun

Autoclint ⭐116
A specially designed light version of Fast AutoAugment

Amla ⭐113
AutoML frAmework for Neural Networks

Btb ⭐110
A simple, extensible library for developing AutoML systems ⭐99
TensorFlow implementation of PNASNet-5 on ImageNet

Deephyper ⭐70
DeepHyper: Scalable Asynchronous Neural Architecture and Hyperparameter Search for Deep Neural Networks

Efficientnas ⭐41
Towards Automated Deep Learning: Efficient Joint Neural Architecture and Hyperparameter Search

1-52 of 52 projects

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